
Debra Sheets, host of UVic's "Call to Mind" podcast, hosted an evening of listening and dialogue about caregiving, love and memory loss. In this free in-person and livestream event, held on May 18, 2022, a distinguished panel of experts lead a discussion about policy, research, supports and resources, and the challenges and joys of caregiving. 

A recording of this caregiver listening event is now available at:

Listening to Family Caregivers of People with Dementia


Debra Sheets  | Professor, School of Nursing, and researcher with UVic's Institute on Aging and Lifelong Health, UVic 


Isobel Mackenzie  | BC Seniors Advocate 

Jen Lyle  | CEO, Alzheimer Society of BC (Moderator)

Barb McLean  | Executive Director, Family Caregivers of BC  

Brenda Brophy | Family caregiver & Call to Mind storyteller

This event was supported in part by UVic's Institute on Aging & Lifelong Health, the Faculty of Human & Social Development, and the Office of the Vice-President Research and Innovation.

Resources to read and listen to: 

Whatever your relationship to the person you’re caring for, it’s important to know where to look for resources and supports to help you navigate this role and take care of yourself.

Here are some places to start: 

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